Like it or not, there are only a few fortunate population on the planet who have gone without acne their whole lives. For the rest of us mere mortals, acne has been a problem at one time or another; and for some of us, that same problematic acne left us with scars. Thanks to technology and research, however, there are now many separate acne scar skin care techniques that can help us cover up and totally lose the scars.
Make no mistake: most acne scar skin care remedies and techniques are expensive, and they need to be undertaken for a long duration of time before any results can emerge. Before you can understand how acne scar skin care works, however, you need to know about acne first and what can cause scarring.
Tips for Acne Scar Skin Care
Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is caused by the clogging of skin pores by dirt, debris, or dried skin cells. This clogging causes pimples to form, creating the familiar cystic acne that is coarse in teenagers or persons with hormonal imbalances. The basic cause of acne vulgaris has yet to be determined, however: some doctors and scientists suggest that fluctuating hormonal levels conduce to acne, while others fancy that acne vulgaris is genetic in nature and can be inherited from one's parents.
Whatever the cause of acne, dermatologists will all the time caution you to refrain from touching your face, removing the pimples yourself, and, more crudely, "popping your zits". This is because any manual force not exerted by medically-approved means can cause acne scars to form.
Types of acne scars
In general, there are two types of acne scars, the pigmented scars and the pitted ones. Pigmented scars can be red or brown in color, and appear after the pimple has disappeared. Although they can be unseemly to look at, they can disappear after treatment, or they can vanish on their own after a few weeks or months.
On the other hand, pitted scars occur when damage is done to the skin tissue beneath the acne. Such scars look like indentations on the skin, and are often referred to as pockmarks. Both kinds of acne scars have their own methods for discharge or concealment.
Acne scar skin care for pigmented scars involves using lotions or creams that have whitening compounds. Such compounds can take off the pigment from the scar and even out one's pigmentation. For instance, exfoliating agents such as glycolic acid or alpha-hydroxy acids can take off dead skin cells from the area so that new skin can immediately be regenerated.
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