Sunday, December 28, 2014

How Much Omega 3 in Salmon Can Be Consumed on a regular Basis?

DHC Skin Care Products - How Much Omega 3 in Salmon Can Be Consumed on a regular Basis?

Salmon is one of the fatty fish rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fats. It can be consumed on a regular basis, twice a week, to gather enough amounts of both Dha and Epa. Omega 3 in salmon can be calculated by carefully observing the label of the package.

Normally a three ounce serving of salmon provides up to 1000 mg of both Dha and Epa combined. It contains more attention of Dha than Epa. However, if you only need to know how much omega 3 in salmon is available to you then calculating their total attention is enough.

How Much Omega 3 in Salmon Can Be Consumed on a regular Basis?

The seal on fish labels 'n-3' means omega 3. If you see something like Dha 22:6 on a label, it means you are getting about 500 mg of Dha from one salmon serving or weight written in grams. Similarly, Epa division can also be seen from the label.

How Much Omega 3 in Salmon Can Be Consumed on a regular Basis?

Keeping all these quantities in mind, doctors have devised a diet plan for citizen who are omega 3 deficient. Normally, it is advisable to eat fish twice a week. But, if you are omega 3 deficient or suffer from condition conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, and heart problems, then you should also consume omega 3 supplements along with food sources of Dha and Epa.


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